Thursday, February 24, 2011

Water Turbine Project

As of now we are working on building different turbine models to see which ones work most effectively.
So with our Forces and Newton's Laws Concept Checklist we chose 3.0 g-To understand and apply the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration.
We found that the mass is the turbine and the force acting upon it is the flowing water that hits it, which causes it to accelerate. Since F = ma, the greater the force of the water acting on the turbine, the greater the acceleration.

With the Velocity and Momentum Checklist we chose  3.0 g which asks to Explain real life phenomenon in terms of v and m:
 With our turbine we can look at the momentum of both the water and the turbine itself and set them equal to each other to theorize about what will happen. Since p= mv we will have the mass of the turbine times the velocity of the turbine set equal to the mass of the water times the velocity of the water: mt vt = mw vw. With a greater velocity and mass of water and a small mass of the turbine that would mean that the velocity of the turbine would go up. On both sides of the equation the mass and velocities are inversely related to each other so with the decrease of one that would be the increase of the other.

This is the link for Anita and Helen's blog who are also working with me on this project:-

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bean Project Part 2: Hit Another Bean and Move It

Our free body diagram basically has acceleration as the little box holding the bean goes down to the tower and a little force pushing up on the paperclip while it heads down.

Here are a couple pictures of our project that we took today in class. The object of our project was to hit one bean with another and move it. The little box holding the bean basically moves down the string and then hits the bean sitting on the platform After hitting the bean it would fall and slide through the tower on to the little chute and out the back. We created this model so that we would have gravity helping the little box go down.We also made the string at a steep angle so that it would accelerate as well as ensure that the box would go down. 

Nicole, Helen, and Sondos

Baloney Detection Kit by Michael Shermer

 The Baloney Detection Kit relates to the Harwood Model because the ten steps that the former follows is basically what the latter is made up of. The Baloney Detection Kit implies there is large amount of false information out there and people simply believe it, which is where the kit comes in and is supposed to be used to test those claims. Similarly, the Harwood Model has a list of questions to ask when testing some such claim. The Harwood model seems to imply that not everything follows the same path when being tested. You ask different questions throughout your testing. 

RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms

1. Human Being Going Through the Education System:
After viewing this video, it seems that the present education system is not as efficient as it can be. The current trend is causing a decrease in creativity, while focusing strongly on old paradigms. This makes me quite concerned about my level of education and I how I have been taught thus far in my life. 

2. Educator Going Through the Education System:
As an educator, I feel that the education system I went through will stunt my own creative capacity to teach students in a more effective and open manner. However, with this newfound knowledge, I hope to broaden my array of teaching skills and styles to better serve my students. 

3. Scientist Going Through the Education System:
Hypothetically speaking as a scientist, the current education system is headed in a direction that would be detrimental for the future success in the field of science. Thoughts that are formulated for great inventions and theories usually break old paradigms to create something progressive in society. Creativity is a vital characteristic for scientific research, and thus should be one of the main focuses in the eduction system.  

Harwood Process: Bean Project

Looking back at our bean project we found that we followed these steps:

1. Defining the problem 
2. Communicating with others
3. Carrying out the study
4. Making Observations
5. Examining the Results